Can you feel the ESG in the Air?
TakeAir is hosting the networking event ESG in the Air at the World Trade Center in Amsterdam, Building Connect offices, focused on providing an extremely unique experience, biotechnology for the built environment that creates indoor environments similar to nature.
The event will entirely explore the unique enrichment of the indoor climate and how it is changing real estate-related companies investing in ESG commitments.
Immerse yourself in a unique sensory experience complemented with an interactive session on how TakeAir biotech changed the air we breathe.
TakeAir works with well-known names such as CBRE Investment Management and is opening the Dutch market for its innovation. Are you setting the new standard for a healthy indoor environment?
Keynote Speaker: Kelly Ruigrok - Global Sustainable Enterprise System
Kelly Ruigrok is the founder of the National Sustainability Institute of the Netherlands, Global Sustainable Enterprise System and Data for Good. The companies she founded share the same mission, but have their own ecosystem of stakeholders. The mission is to create a good, transparent and free world for our children and future generations.
Aad Vredenbregt - IMEC & Workplace Vitality Hub
At the Workplace Vitality Hub, based in Europe's smartest square km with an ultimate high tech open innovation ecosystem, Aad Vredenbregt is responsible for building a dedicated ecosystem to boost the vitality of working people in a positive way, by combining knowledge and experience to create real, innovative and efficient solutions for a more vital working environment.

In ESG is in the Air event Aad will share his insights on how the engagement brings employees’ satisfaction up, and increases their mental well-being, resulting in success stories.
Dr. Ir. Sylwia Jezierska - TakeAir Labs
Dr. Ir. Sylwia Jezierska is the leading R&D Engineer of our studies, in collaboration with our partnering laboratory TakeAirLabs.
Sylwia Jezierska will be at our event to present how biotechnology poses an opportunity for ESG achievements.
Hans Staal - CBRE I.M
Hans Staal is the Director of Projects of CBRE I.M. CBRE Investment Management is working with TakeAir for their Nieuw Amsterdam building, which houses Vattenfall, to do a unique scientific research project. In this project, we go beyond the practical. TakeAir and CBRE Investment Management are working together to provide best indoor air quality.
Hans Staal will be introducing the ESG-vision and innovations for real estate and CBRE I.M.