Creating Happy Buildings launch event

Connecting and inspiring our first consortium members

On Monday, November 29th 2021, TakeAir hosted our Creating Happy Buildings launch event at the stunning offices of our strategic partner C-energy.

We were honored to welcome CBRE Investment Management, CBRE, Vinçotte, Vattenfall, Building Connect & 4Some technisch beheer bv around the table with us. It is absolutely amazing to see companies reading the signs and embracing innovation!

After several captivating and informative sessions, we were delighted with an exquisite lunch by celebrated chef Edwin Van Goethem of Michelin-starred restaurant ‘t Korennaer.

About Creating Happy Buildings

The event launched the Creating Happy Buildings Consortium, which is a group of dedicated scientists, industry professionals and companies focused on creating buildings that do even more than maximizing the social, psychological, and physical well-being of its users and its environment (Healthy Buildings Network, 2017).

The Creating Happy Building consortium offers an in-depth and academically backed answer to the implementation of new technologies that drive health in the building. From research to practice, a cohesive consortium allows the existing innovation islands to connect.

We connect academic research, innovative technologies, and ESG’s to deliver truly unique and original buildings that drive and improve health for the tenant. In making this connection we can assess and research the true impact our building has. These conclusive numbers and figures are the ultimate drivers for a happy building.

TakeAir founder Jo Pannecoucke and TakeAirLabs liaison Stijn Vanderschuren detailed the Creating Happy Buildings consortium and certificate to the attendees.

I am speaking for our team when I thank you for the warm welcome. The meeting was very inspiring and informative, and last but not least, the day was organised and everyone was very hospitable. We are looking forward to the pilot at the Amsterdam building, the results and everything that comes next.

Hans Staal
Director of Projects @ CBRE IM

Informing our attendees

During this inspiring day full of knowledge transfers, we listened to presentations by the researchers, academics and pillar TakeAir members.

  • Our consultant Pawel Gambus went into detail about the Human Value research, which is crucial to find out to what extent buildings with our innovative technology influence the happiness and health of its users.
  • Prof. Dr. ir. Jan Pralits demonstrated the use of the Digital Twin program to efficiently create multiple versions of a research setup before even building it.
  • Dr. ir. Sylwia Jezierska answered all questions about the science and research behind TakeAir. From the safe and effective carrageenan which coats our filter blades and neutralises harmful pathogens to enriching the air for improved air, Dr. ir. Sylwia Jezierska explained it all.

We were treated to background on the research and science behind TakeAir and the Creating Happy Buildings consortium.

Thank you for the delightful event on the Creating Happy Buildings consortium. C-innovation and TakeAir are a great match, since we share an important vision concerning innovation and a CO2-free future. The time to invest in innovative solutions that promote sustainability is now. This consortium is all about innovation and so are we.

Thomas Pary
Sales & Account Manager @ C-innovation


Thank you Hans Staal, Chris de Reus, Ingrid Wallisch, Nico Seymus, Eddy Klercq, Stephan Waldram, Theo Bakker, Marjan Smit, Veronique Rombaut and Thomas Pary for your presence and attention.

Thank you Laurence Gacoin and Dany Bosteels for welcoming us at the beautiful buildings of Cordeel and C-energy, and for attending this day with us.

We can’t wait to tell the world more about #CreatingHappyBuildings!

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