Pilot cases 2023: Alides & Befimmo

Connecting nature with the technology and biology of the building

Executive summary

Key findings:

  • Increased indoor microbial quality (30%)
  • Lowered dominance of indoor pathogens (20%)
  • Two-fold increase of beneficial organisms present.
  • A more diversified indoor microbial landscape
  • A drastic drop in fungal load for the building (64%)
  • Humidification systems were shut down, A strong indication showed that Biospheric Air Treatment helped remain humidity levels in the building.
  • Reinstated recirculation of air with no impact on absenteeism or sick leave due to Flow Gate technology

The case for Biodiversity in the built environment

For the 2023 program, two buildings were selected. Building specifications and conditions showed an unprecedented challenge to start our research within a real-life environment. As the results show we conclude the test with some astonishing results.

The Focus of the pilot programs was the efficiency and efficacy of the installed BioRemediation systems. That is dispersing our designed microbiome in the central HVAC system. The program ran for six months.

The goal of the Pilot cases

Through microbiological research, TakeAir with its partners evaluates the indoor air quality, air conditioning, and air treatment systems. With this microbial mapping of the indoor climate, we set out the following goals:

  • Determine the total number of microorganisms in the air and how they may affect human health. Health effects may include hypersensitivity reactions, irritation, and disease.
  • Compare the obtained results with a reference measurement for the indoor microbial landscape before and after the installation of the TakeAir system and implementation of the suggested actions to improve indoor air quality.

Specifications and characteristics of cases

Pilot case Alides: Lightly polluted environment with waterways nearby and some industry and transportation nodes. The building infrastructure and specifications are around 8 years old.

Pilot case Befimmo: Heavily polluted environment with industry highways and airport nearby. The building infrastructure and specifications are around 30 years old.

Pilot Case Alides

April 2022 - December 2022

Before activation of BioRemediation: April 2022

Conclusions of the first microbial mapping in April 2022 showed that in six air samples, exceedances have been found regarding the quantities of organisms related to a healthy environment. Four were deemed a moderate health hazard, two samples were deemed very hazardous for human health.

BioRemedation active for six months: December 2022 results

  • Conclusions of the second microbial mapping in December 2022 showed that in two air samples exceedances have been found regarding the quantities of organisms related to a healthy environment. One indoor sample was deemed a moderate health hazard. No indoor samples were deemed very hazardous to human health.
  • The microbial quality of the “Alides Building” has substantially improved by 31% since the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment. The microbial analysis of air samples collected in April 2022 showed five indoor locations classified as bad or moderate according to the NEN-EN 13098:2019, whereas air sampling in December 2022 revealed only one location of moderate indoor air quality.

  • A comparison of the concentration of the two main indoor air contaminants (Micrococcus and Aspergillus fumigatus) before and after the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment, showed that the health hazards due to exceeding the number of the two mentioned above contaminants have drastically dropped or completely eliminated in the period between April and December.
Figure 1. Comparison of the concentration of the two main indoor air contaminants (Micrococcus and Aspergillus fumigatus) before and after the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment.

  • Although beneficial organisms (Bacillus sp.) were abundantly present in the outdoor air in April 2022 (reference sampling), these beneficial bacteria were not detected in the indoor air of the “Alides building”. After the activation of the Biospheric Air Treatment, the beneficial organisms (Bacillus sp.) were found on all floors of the building, especially in samples collected from the air exiting the air duct.
Figure 2. Comparison of the abundance of Bacillus sp. in the air samples collected before and after the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment.
  • The indoor microbial biodiversity of the Alides building is more in balance, which is a more natural and desirable state than we found in April 2022. The microbial analysis performed in December 2022 showed that the introduction of the beneficial bacteria via the central ventilation system has contributed to decreasing the dominance of Cladosporium, Staphylococcus and Micrococcus by over 20%, thereby increasing the microbial biodiversity in the “Alides” building.
Figure 3. Comparison of the abundance of the three dominant microorganisms in the air samples collected before and after the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment.

Sustainability and energy savings with Biospheric Air Treatment

Pilot case Alides facility management set out the following parameters at the start of April 2022:

  • Switched off Humidification systems for the whole building
  • Reinstated HVAC recirculation of air (70/30)

December 2022 showed that humidity levels were maintained throughout the whole pilot case program. Also, no noticeable increase in sick leave was seen throughout this period. Final numbers and conclusions on this section of the pilot case are expected in the next weeks.

The pilot cases 2024 program will focus on the energy-saving and employee health benefits of Biopsheric Air Treatment and the exact impact they generate. Interested to participate? Fill in the form below.

Pilot case Befimmo

April 2022 - December 2022

Before activation of BioRemediation: April 2022

The general conclusion of the previous mapping showed that the indoor microbiallandscape for the case Befimmo is not healthy and showed several threats to human health. In nine air samples, we found exceedances that are hazardous for human health. In five samples there was a moderate health hazard and four samples showed a very hazardous situation.

BioRemedation active for six months: December 2022 results

  • General conclusions of the microbial mapping from December 2022 showed no indoor samples were deemed moderate or very hazardous for human health.
Figure 1. Comparison of the indoor microbial quality (bad, moderate, good) according to the NEN-EN 13098:2019 before (April 2022) and after (December 2022) the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment.
  • The outdoor concentration of fungus in April 2022 showed the same levels as in December 2022. After activation of the Biospheric Air Treatment and maintenance of the HVAC, we see a drastic drop in fungal load throughout the building. Fungal concentrations did not exceed the “safe levels” according to the NEN-EN 13098:2019.
Figure 2. Comparison of the concentration of fungi before and after the installation of the Biospheric Air Treatment.
  • We found that a high concentration of fungal spores is linked with the distance from the AHU; the closer to the air inlet and filters (floor 0) the highest the fungal load, and consequently the furthest measured point (floor 2) the lowest concentrations were found. This trend was also observed for the samples collected in December 2022.
  • The goal of Biospheric Air Treatment is to limit the abundance of dangerous airborne pathogens and increase the number of beneficial and commensal bacteria. The relative abundance of beneficial organisms (Bacillus sp.) was nearly two-fold higher in samples collected in December 2022 in comparison to the samples analysed in April 2022.

Join the 2024 program

How BioTech is changing the world:

Unique measuring protocols for indoor microbial diversity

High-quality data and insights will change the way we see and experience our buildings.

Local Biodiversity Assessment

An effective alliance between biology sciences, HVAC technics and ESG reporting is brought together.

Read the update regarding the Pilot case 2023 results

The case for biodiversity in the built environment: Improving health and well-being with microbial friends